
My Guitar Hero Journey

One of my 2021 resolutions is to play more guitar. My original resolution was to learn one song per month, and each month will be progressively more difficult. That has since changed, mainly because when I was restringing my guitar I learned a pretty easy song in 20 minutes. It appears I’ve still got a decent ear, and I’m not starting at zero with my chops. Basically I’m starting off at a better spot than I expected!

So the new resolution is as follows:

Select one artist per month and learn a few of their tunes.

So I have January and December’s artists, the rest I’ll be filling in as the year progresses.

MonthArtistTunes of Interest
January 2021Alter Bridge
(way too difficult right now)
Rise Today
Cry of Achilles
Farther Than the Sun
The Last Hero

February 2021
March 2021Alter BridgeRise Today
Cry of Achilles
Farther Than the Sun
The Last Hero
April 2021
May 2021
June 2021
July 2021
August 2021
September 2021
October 2021
November 2021
December 2021Dream TheaterThe Glass Prison
Steve’s Guitar Hero Journey
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